web design
In order for a website to perform its function of truly representing your business on the world wide web, it needs to be designed and built using great care, empathy and experience

Each website needs to be as individual as each business. It needs to capture the very essence of your organisation and its proposition to the market. It needs to accurately reflect your approach to customer service, to language and to the quality of your products and services.

There are many web builders in Yellow Pages, or on the internet, that are nothing more than website ‘factories’. Their development teams are ‘off-shore’ for greater economy, and all they offer is a choice between standardised and template-based options. Yes, they are cheap, and for good reason.

AnnWebCom is not a website ‘factory’. All of the websites that we design and build are individual and uniquely crafted to deliver optimal return on investment throughout their operational life.

The sites we develop today meet or exceed recognised standards for accessibility, usability, cross-browser compatibility and employ “best practice” construction techniques for search engine performance.

AnnWebCom offers website design and build as a bespoke service, and covers the following:

  • Advanced e-commerce websites that allow organisations to display and sell their goods and services directly online. Payment methods include debit and credit cards via a secure payment gateway.
  • Dynamic websites that do not require e-commerce capabilities. These sites can require a high level of technical intervention to ensure that their databases of information are always up-to-date and meeting the changing needs of businesses and their customers. AnnWebCom will design these sites such that information updating is simple and reliable, and offers a fully managed maintenance service to perform these updates on your behalf.
  • Static websites of multiple pages typically suitable for small businesses whose products and service offers remain fairly static over time. Here AnnWebCom has developed fixed price options based on the number of pages required. Unlike the website factories though, AnnWebCom does not compromise on the uniqueness of the design or the care with which we build each page.
  • Self-edit web sites using the popular and easy-to-use WordPress content management platform.
  • Single page websites for individual professionals who merely want a ‘placeholder’ on the world wide web for overview information and contact details.

AnnWebCom has considerable experience of business processes and management as well as the technical aspects of website development. We couple these capabilities to make sure that the sites that we create really pay their way in both business and technical terms. We do this through human interaction with our customers and always in plain English.